Consumption and Shopper Analytics

Industry CPG
Region North America
Solution Integrated Retail Performance Analytics
In the consumer goods industry, data analytics plays a vital role in boosting profitability, meeting customer expectations, and optimizing pricing and promotion strategies. Companies are focusing on identifying and understanding specific customer segments to meet their unique needs. By transforming operations through data-enabled insights, manufacturers can make informed business decisions. It is crucial for companies to convert complex data into actionable insights, allowing them to identify cross-selling opportunities and product associations. This sector faces rapid shifts in consumer preferences and competitive pricing pressures, necessitating precise targeting and an understanding of specific customer segments. Accurate and timely data analysis is essential for staying ahead of competitors and adapting to market trends. 
Problem statement

Our client faced several critical challenges that hindered their market data analysis efforts. They aimed to refine the process as they relied on multiple, disconnected tools, resulting in inefficiencies and the risk of errors. Their existing systems lacked the capability to analyze data at a detailed level, particularly at the Product Purchase Group (PPG) level, limiting the granularity of their insights. Additionally, the need for manual data manipulation and reliance on scattered data sources made it difficult to conduct deep market analysis and inform strategic decision-making. 


  • Achieved $1.5M in direct cost savings. 
  • Increased Net Incremental CMA by 0.3 – 0.5%. 
  • Reduced sell-out data analysis time by 50%. 

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